A research trip to Scotland for the Goalong Distillery team

From May 1st to May 11th, the research team of Goalong Distillery organized a wonderful Scotch whisky tour to investigate and learn from the famous whisky distilleries in Scotland. Members of the research team included Mr. Alan, president of Liuyang Goalong Liquor Distillery Co., Ltd. and Changsha Goalong Liquor Co., Ltd., Luo Feng, distiller of Goalong Distillery, Guo Hui, the bartender, and Joanna, director of Foreign Trade Department. This trip not only allowed the staff of the distilling team to have an in-depth understanding of the Scotch whisky production process and cultural background, but also deepened their understanding of the distilling process and quality management.

On May 1st, the research team left Changsha for Scotland and in the following days they visited many famous local whisky distilleries. (Ardbeg, Lagavulin, Kilchoman, Bowmore, Laphroaig, Springbank, Glen Scotia, Glenfiddich, The Balvenie, The Singleton, Macallan, Deanston Distillery Co., Ltd., John Dewar & Sons. Ltd, etc.), communicated and learned from the distillers and managers of the distilleries, and they had an in-depth understanding of the ingredients, process, quality management and tasting techniques of whisky. At the same time, they also appreciate the unique charm of Scotch whisky culture, feel the strong cultural atmosphere of Scotland.

During the investigation, the team also visited famous local scenic spots, such as Edinburgh Castle and the Lake District, and gained an in-depth understanding of the history, culture and natural scenery of Scotland. Through this research trip, the Goalong Distillery team not only gained new harvest in work, but also got pleasure and enrichment in life.

This research trip has provided useful experience and inspiration for the future development of Goalong Distillery. Goalong will focus on exploring how to better combine the brewing technology with local Chinese characteristics, so as to create our own region of whisky. The president said Goalong will continue to pay attention to new technologies and trends in the industry, and continuously improve product quality and market competitiveness through learning and exploration. The trip was also a valuable learning opportunity and an unforgettable experience for the staff. Through this event, they not only gained new knowledge and skills, but also improved their understanding and communication with each other, and also injected new impetus into the future development of the distillery.