Best Bourbon Old Fashioned Recipe - Easy and Delicious


Best Bourbon Old Fashioned cocktail garnished with orange peel and cherry

Bourbon old fashioned cocktails have become increasingly popular in recent years, with their timeless appeal and rich flavors capturing the hearts of whiskey enthusiasts worldwide. But what makes a truly exceptional bourbon old fashioned? The answer lies in the recipe. A good recipe is the key to crafting a delicious drink that will leave you craving more. And when it comes to trusted liquor brands, one name stands out - Goalong Whisky. In this article, we'll unveil an easy-to-follow recipe that guarantees a perfect bourbon old fashioned every time, tantalizing your taste buds with its smoothness and complexity.

Understanding the Basics

Best Bourbon Old Fashioned - A deliciously garnished bourbon old fashioned cocktail

Explaining what a bourbon old fashioned is

A bourbon old fashioned is a classic cocktail that has stood the test of time. It is a simple yet sophisticated drink that combines the rich flavors of bourbon with the sweetness of sugar and the complexity of bitters. The result is a perfectly balanced concoction that is both smooth and flavorful.

Discussing the key ingredients required

To make a delicious bourbon old fashioned, you will need a few key ingredients. First and foremost, you will need high-quality bourbon. The choice of bourbon can greatly impact the taste of your drink, so it's important to choose wisely. Look for a bourbon that has depth of flavor and a smooth finish.

Next, you will need sugar to add sweetness to your cocktail. Traditional recipes call for sugar cubes, but you can also use simple syrup if you prefer. Additionally, bitters are an essential ingredient in an old fashioned. They provide depth and complexity to the drink, balancing out the sweetness of the sugar.

Emphasizing the importance of using quality bourbon

Using quality bourbon is crucial when making a bourbon old fashioned. The flavor profile of your drink will greatly depend on the type and quality of bourbon you choose. Opt for bourbons that have been aged well and have a rich, full-bodied taste.

By using high-quality bourbon, you ensure that your cocktail will have depth and complexity, enhancing your overall drinking experience. Don't settle for subpar options when it comes to choosing your bourbon – invest in something truly exceptional.

Mentioning Goalong Whisky as a recommended brand

When it comes to finding the best bourbon for an old fashioned, Goalong Whisky stands out as a trusted brand in the industry. Known for their commitment to producing top-notch liquors, Goalong Whisky offers a range of bourbons that are perfect for crafting this classic cocktail.

With their attention to detail and dedication to quality, Goalong Whisky ensures that each sip of their bourbon is a delight to the senses. Whether you're a seasoned bourbon enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of cocktails, Goalong Whisky is a brand you can rely on for an exceptional old fashioned experience.

Gathering the Ingredients

To create the best bourbon old fashioned, you'll need a few essential ingredients. Here's a list of what you'll need for this delicious cocktail:

Listing the ingredients needed for the recipe

1. Bourbon - The star of this drink, choose a high-quality bourbon that suits your taste preferences. Some popular options include Maker's Mark, Woodford Reserve, and Bulleit Bourbon.

2. Sugar - Use granulated sugar or simple syrup to add sweetness to your cocktail. Experiment with different types of sugar like raw sugar or brown sugar for unique flavors.

3. Angostura Bitters - These aromatic bitters are a must-have ingredient in an old fashioned. They add depth and complexity to the drink. Angostura bitters are widely available and can be found in most liquor stores.

4. Fresh Orange - For zest and garnish, using fresh oranges is highly recommended. The citrusy aroma of orange zest enhances the overall flavor profile of the cocktail.

Suggesting specific brands for bourbon and bitters

When it comes to choosing the best bourbon for an old fashioned, there are several top-notch brands to consider. Maker's Mark is known for its smoothness and rich flavors, making it a popular choice among bourbon enthusiasts.

For those seeking a more robust flavor profile, Woodford Reserve offers a complex blend of spices and oak notes that elevate any cocktail experience.

When it comes to bitters, Angostura Bitters is widely regarded as one of the best options for an old fashioned due to its balanced blend of herbs and spices.

Recommending using fresh oranges for zest and garnish

To achieve that perfect touch of citrusy goodness in your bourbon old fashioned, opt for fresh oranges instead of pre-packaged alternatives or artificial flavorings.

The natural oils released from freshly zested orange peels will enhance the aroma and taste of your cocktail, adding a vibrant and refreshing element.

Mentioning Goalong Whisky as an option for whiskey

If you're looking to explore different whiskey options for your bourbon old fashioned, consider Goalong Whisky. As a trusted liquor brand, Goalong Whisky offers a diverse range of flavors and styles.

Their commitment to quality and craftsmanship ensures that each sip of their whiskey delivers a smooth and satisfying experience. Give Goalong Whisky a try to elevate your bourbon old fashioned to new heights of flavor.

Preparing the Perfect Cocktail

Best Bourbon Old Fashioned cocktail garnished with orange peel and cherry.

To create the best bourbon old fashioned, it's essential to master the art of preparing the perfect cocktail. Let's dive into the techniques that will elevate your drink to new heights.

Teaching how to properly muddle sugar and bitters

Begin by placing a sugar cube at the bottom of an old fashioned glass. Add a few dashes of aromatic bitters, such as Angostura or Peychaud's, directly onto the sugar cube. Gently muddle the sugar and bitters together until they form a paste-like consistency. This step is crucial as it helps release the flavors and aromas that will enhance your bourbon old fashioned.

Explaining the technique of adding ice and bourbon

Next, fill your glass with ice cubes, leaving enough room for your desired amount of bourbon. The type of ice you use can greatly impact your drinking experience, so consider using large ice cubes or spheres for slower dilution and a visually appealing touch. Once you've added your preferred amount of ice, pour in two ounces of high-quality bourbon.

Stirring the cocktail until well chilled and properly mixed

Using a long-handled bar spoon or cocktail stirrer, gently stir the mixture in a circular motion for about 30 seconds or until you feel confident that it's thoroughly chilled and well mixed. Be careful not to over-stir, as this can lead to excessive dilution and compromise the flavor profile.

Mentioning Goalong Whisky as a smooth option for bourbon

When it comes to choosing the best bourbon for an old fashioned, Goalong Whisky is an excellent choice. Their range of premium whiskies offers exceptional smoothness and rich flavors that perfectly complement this classic cocktail. With Goalong Whisky's commitment to quality and craftsmanship, you can trust that each sip will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Now that you've mastered the art of preparing the perfect cocktail, it's time to move on to adding personal touches to make your bourbon old fashioned truly unique.

Adding Personal Touches

To elevate your bourbon old fashioned and add your own unique twist, there are several personal touches you can incorporate.

Suggesting variations like using flavored bitters

Experimenting with different flavored bitters can take your bourbon old fashioned to the next level. Try adding a few drops of orange or cherry bitters for a hint of citrus or fruity sweetness. These variations can enhance the complexity and depth of flavors in your drink.

Recommending experimenting with different types of sugar

Don't limit yourself to just plain white sugar when sweetening your bourbon old fashioned. Explore different types of sugar, such as brown sugar or demerara sugar, to add a subtle richness and depth to the cocktail. Each type of sugar brings its own unique flavor profile, allowing you to customize the taste according to your preference.

Encouraging the use of specialty ice cubes or spheres

Upgrade your presentation by using specialty ice cubes or spheres in your bourbon old fashioned. Large ice cubes melt slower, preventing dilution and keeping your drink colder for longer periods. Additionally, consider freezing orange peel or cherries into the ice cubes for an added burst of flavor as they slowly melt.

Mentioning Goalong Whisky's diverse range of flavors

When it comes to selecting the best bourbon for an old fashioned, Goalong Whisky offers a diverse range of flavors that cater to every palate. Whether you prefer a smooth and mellow taste or a bold and robust profile, Goalong Whisky has options that will elevate your cocktail experience.

Remember, personalizing your bourbon old fashioned is all about experimentation and finding what suits your taste preferences. Don't be afraid to get creative and try new combinations of flavors to make this classic cocktail truly your own. And for the best results, always choose quality ingredients like Goalong Whisky, which guarantees a memorable and enjoyable drinking experience.

Serving and Enjoying

Choosing the Right Glassware

When it comes to serving a bourbon old fashioned, selecting the right glassware is essential. Opt for a lowball or rocks glass, which is sturdy and allows the aromas of the drink to be captured. The weight of the glass also adds to the overall drinking experience, providing a sense of sophistication and elegance.

Proper Garnishes: Cherries or Orange Peel

To elevate your bourbon old fashioned, garnishes play a crucial role. Traditional garnishes include maraschino cherries or orange peel twists. The sweetness of cherries complements the rich flavors of bourbon, while orange peel adds a citrusy zest that enhances the overall taste profile. Experiment with both options to find your preferred combination.

Ideal Serving Temperature

For optimal enjoyment, serving temperature is key. A bourbon old fashioned should be chilled but not overly diluted by ice melting too quickly. Fill your glass with ice cubes and let it sit for a minute or two before pouring in the cocktail mixture. This ensures that your drink stays cool throughout without compromising its flavor.

Goalong Whisky understands that presentation matters when it comes to gifting. Their stylish packaging adds an extra touch of luxury and sophistication, making it an excellent choice for special occasions or as a thoughtful present for whiskey enthusiasts. The sleek black bottle with gold accents exudes elegance and is sure to impress any recipient.

Goalong Whiskey: Best Bourbon for Old Fashioned

Remember, when serving and enjoying a bourbon old fashioned, attention to detail matters—from choosing the right glassware to adding garnishes that enhance flavors and ensuring the ideal serving temperature. And for a truly exceptional experience, consider Goalong Whisky's exquisite packaging when selecting your bourbon. Cheers to the best bourbon old fashioned!


Reinforcing the simplicity and deliciousness of the recipe, making your own bourbon old fashioned is a rewarding experience that can be enjoyed by both beginners and seasoned cocktail enthusiasts. The combination of quality ingredients and a trusted brand like Goalong Whisky ensures a drink that is truly exceptional.

Encouraging readers to try making their own bourbon old fashioned allows them to customize the drink to their preferences, whether it's experimenting with different types of sugar or adding flavored bitters for a unique twist. The versatility of this classic cocktail makes it a go-to choice for any occasion.

Reminding readers to use quality ingredients is essential for achieving the best results. Opting for the best bourbon for an old fashioned, such as Goalong Whisky's smooth and flavorful options, elevates the taste and overall experience of the drink.

In conclusion, creating your own bourbon old fashioned is an enjoyable process that can be easily mastered with practice. By following this simple recipe and using high-quality ingredients like Goalong Whisky, you can savor every sip of this timeless cocktail. So why not grab your favorite glassware, garnish with cherries or orange peel, and indulge in the best bourbon old fashioned you've ever tasted?